JK Tyre Shiksha Sarthi Scholarship 2024: Benefit Rs 25,000

Many backward students in the society are unable to continue their studies due to poor financial conditions. Many private companies are offering various types of scholarships keeping in mind the future of those students. So, today I am going to talk to you about a new scholarship called JK Tyre Shiksha Sarthi Scholarship. This scholarship will mainly provide opportunities for girls of heavy motor vehicle drivers.

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JK Tyre Shiksha Sarthi Scholarship 2024

Many students in India constantly struggle with financial difficulties to continue their studies. Many private organizations have arranged scholarships for the convenience of such students. JK Tire is also on that list. They have initiated the JK Tyre Shiksha Sarthi Scholarship to support talented and needy students. Through this program, Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 25,000 per year is awarded to selected students.

JK Tyre Shiksha Sarthi Scholarship

Object Of JK Tyre Shiksha Sarthi Scholarship

The main objective for awarding the JK Tyre Shiksha Sarthi Scholarship is to brighten the future of female students from economically backward societies. The scholarship will be awarded mainly to students from the states of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. Students will enjoy a cash benefit from the scholarship. Students must meet the eligibility criteria to apply. After that, the entire scholarship process must be completed step by step. We will discuss all the information about the scholarship with you through our article. You should read the article carefully so that you will not have any problems when applying later on.

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Scholarship Name JK Tyre Shiksha Sarthi Scholarship
Provide ByJK Tyre pvt. ltd.
BeneficiariesGirls of heavy motor vehicle drivers
Application ModeOnline
AmountRs 15,000 to Rs 25,000
Official WebsiteClick Here

JK Tyre Shiksha Sarthi Scholarship 2024: Key Dates

Start date to apply29th January 2024
Last date to apply5th March 2024

JK Tyre Shiksha Sarthi Scholarship: Eligibility Criteria 

We have discussed below the eligibility criteria that students need to fulfill to complete the application process-

  • Graduate-level students can apply for the Shiksha Sarthi Scholarship. Bachelor of Computer Applications, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Computer Science, Bachelor of International Business and Finance, Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Business Management, Bachelor of Business Studies, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Bachelor of Statistics, Bachelor of Law Students studying in various courses can apply for this scholarship.
  • Applicant must have obtained at least 60% marks in 10th and 12th class examinations.
  • Students studying in NAAC/AICTE/UGC/government institutions are eligible to apply.
  • The annual income of the applicant’s family must not exceed more than INR 5 lakhs per year.

Essential Documents

  • Recent passport-size photograph of the applicant.
  • Applicant’s identity card.
  • Applicant’s proof of address.
  • Certificate of annual income of the family.
  • Certificate of initial academic year.
  • Receipt of admission to the educational institution.

Point- Each of the above documents must be submitted in JPG or PNG format.

JK Tyre Shiksha Sarthi Scholarship: Amount

ClassScholarship Amount
graduate level15,000 Rs
Diploma15,000 Rs
ITI student15,000 Rs
B.E/B.Tech. (BE/BTech)25,000 Rs
Bachelor of Science in Nursing25,000 Rs

JK Tyre Shiksha Sarthi Scholarship: Application Procedure

Interested students who wish to apply for the scholarship should follow the application procedures given below, to complete the application process very easily.

Vidyasaarathi website.
  • On the homepage, select the Apply Now option.
Registration Option
  • A login page will appear on your screen.
  • Log in with your credentials.
  • The application form will appear on the screen; enter all of the requested information.
  • Upload the documents given above in a.jpeg.png format only.
  • To complete your process, select the submit option.
  • Log in for the Arvind Foundation Scholarship.
  • To log in under the Arvind Foundation scholarship, first go to the official.
  • Visit the website by clicking on the link provided here. 
  • On the homepage, click the option login
  • A new page will appear on the screen. 
  • Type in your email address and password. 
  • To finish your process, click on the login option.

JK Tyre Shiksha Sarthi Scholarship: Application Fees

There is no application fee to apply for the JK Tyre Shiksha Sarthi Scholarship

JK Tyre Shiksha Sarthi Scholarship: Selection procedure 

  • Only students whose family income is less than INR 5 lakh will be selected for the scholarship.
  • The applicant must have all the required documents before completing the application form.
  • Students will be selected based on their eligibility criteria.
  • Applicants must have all the required documents before completing the application form.

JK Tyre Shiksha Sarthi Scholarship: Contact Details

If any student has any doubts regarding the scholarship, they can contact the below-given phone number and email.

  • Contact Number: 022-40904484
  • Email: vidyasaarathi@nsdl.co.in

Important Links

Official WebsiteClick Here
Telegram ChannelJoin Now
HomepageClick Here


Who is eligible to apply for the JK Tyre Shiksha Sarthi Scholarship 2024?

The daughters of heavy vehicle drivers are eligible to apply for this scholarship.

What is the last date to apply for the JK Tyre Shiksha Sarthi Scholarship 2024?

The last day to apply for this scholarship is 5th March 2024.

How to apply for the JK Tyre Shiksha Sarthi Scholarship 2024?

Applicants can apply under this scholarship by visiting https://www.vidyasaarathi.co.in/