Odisha State Scholarship Portal 2024: Apply & Registration Process Online, Full list

Odisha State Scholarship Portal | Odisha State Scholarship Portal 2024-25 | Odisha State Scholarship Portal Application Status | Odisha State Scholarship Portal Notification | Odisha State Scholarship Portal Laptop Scheme

Odisha State Government has launched the Odisha State Scholarship Portal for economically backward students of the state.  A list of all state scholarships is available inside the portal. Odisha State students can apply for any scholarship by visiting the Odisha State Scholarship Portal. All scholarship application process is completed from this state portal.  Today in this article I will mention below all information about the scholarship portal like the scholarship amount, application process, important documents, how to apply, etc

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About Odisha State Scholarship Portal 2024

Odisha State Scholarship Portal is specially launched to motivate economically backward students of the state ie SC/ ST/ OBC /EBC & PWD students.  The portal will especially help those students who are unable to continue their education due to a lack of financial funds and other issues.  The Scholarship amount is different, you can enter the shop and check it.  There are various steps you can take to apply for scholarships on the Odisha State Scholarship Portal.

There are about 15 types of scholarships available on this portal. Which will help in providing quality educational opportunities to the students. After completion, this money will go directly into the bank account. This is a special gift from the state government to complete future studies

Object Odisha State Scholarship Portal

The main objective of the Odisha state scholarship portal is to promote education among SC/ ST/ OBC /EBC & PWD category students of Odisha state. Scholarships are awarded in variable amounts. through which students complete quality studies. Applicants can complete the scholarship application by visiting the scholarship portal according to their eligibility.

Odisha State Scholarship Portal
Odisha State Scholarship Portal
Scholarship Name Odisha State Scholarship Portal
Provide ByOdisha State Government
Beneficiarieseconomically backward students of the state ie SC/ ST/ OBC /EBC & PWD students.
Application ModeOnline
Mode of PaymentDBT
AmountVarious Amount
Official Websitehttps://scholarship.odisha.gov.in/

Odisha State Scholarship Portal Full List & Their Provider

Scholarship NameProvider Name
Junior Merit Scholarship (Medhabruti)Higher Education Department, Government of Odisha
Senior Merit Scholarship (Medhabruti)Higher Education Department, Government of Odisha
Post Graduate Merit Scholarship (Medhabruti)Higher Education Department, Government of Odisha
Technical and Professional Merit (Medhabruti)Higher Education Department, Government of Odisha
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for SCST & SC Development, Minorities & Backward Classes Welfare Department, Government of Odisha
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for STST & SC Development, Minorities & Backward Classes Welfare Department, Government of Odisha
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for OBC/SEBCST & SC Development, Minorities & Backward Classes Welfare Department, Government of Odisha
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for EBCST & SC Development, Minorities & Backward Classes Welfare Department, Government of Odisha
Pre-Matric Scholarship for Students with DisabilitiesSocial Security and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Government of Odisha
Post-Matric Scholarship for Students with DisabilitiesSocial Security and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Government of Odisha
Prof. Ghanshyam Dash Scholarship for Higher EducationIndian Metals & Ferro Alloys Limited, Odisha (IMFA)
Scholarship to Meritorious Students under Central Sector SchemeCouncil of Higher Secondary Education, Government of India
Vidyadhan Scholarship Program (Odisha) (1st and 2nd year)Sarojini Damodaran Foundation
Vyasa Kabi Fakir Mohan Senapati ScholarshipHigher Education Department, Government of Odisha
Financial Assistance to SportspersonsSports and Youth Services Department, Government of Odisha

Apply for Odisha State Free Laptop Distribution

Another special gift for Odisha students is the distribution of free laptops. Applications are invited by concerned authorities for the financial assistance program under the Biju Yuva Sashaktikaran Yojana. Eligible students complete the application process before 10th April. Beneficiaries will get a free laptop or Rs 30,000 under this scheme

ALSO, READ-Nirman Shramik Kalyan Yojana Scholarship

State Scholarship Portal Odisha 2024: Application Period

Scholarship NameApplication Period
Junior Merit Scholarship (Medhabruti)Between October and December
Senior Merit Scholarship (Medhabruti)Between October and December
Post Graduate Merit Scholarship (Medhabruti)Between October and December
Technical and Professional Merit (Medhabruti)Between October and December
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for SCBetween August and October
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for STBetween August and October
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for OBC/SEBCBetween August and October
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for EBCBetween August and October
Pre-Matric Scholarship for Students with DisabilitiesBetween September and November
Post-Matric Scholarship for Students with DisabilitiesBetween September and November
Prof. Ghanshyam Dash Scholarship for Higher EducationBetween September and November
Scholarship to Meritorious Students under Central Sector SchemeBetween August and October
Vidyadhan Scholarship Program (Odisha) (1st and 2nd year)Between May and July
Vyasa Kabi Fakir Mohan Senapati ScholarshipBetween May and July
Financial Assistance to SportspersonsBetween April and June
Nirman Shramik Kalyan Yojana ScholarshipBetween February and March

Odisha State Scholarship Portal 2024: Amount/Award

The Amount & Award for Odisha State Scholarship Portal are discussed in the table below:-

Scholarship NameAward Details
Junior Merit Scholarship (Medhabruti)INR 3,000 per annum to each selected student for 2 years.
Senior Merit Scholarship (Medhabruti)INR 5,000 per annum to each selected student for 3 years.
Post Graduate Merit Scholarship (Medhabruti)INR 10,000 per annum to each selected student for 2 years.
Technical and Professional Merit (Medhabruti)INR 10,000 per annum to each selected student as per the course duration.
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for SCActual tuition fee/course fee, admission fee, library & sports fee, and a maintenance allowance of up to INR 550 for day scholars & up to INR 1200 for hostellers.
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for STActual tuition fee/course fee, admission fee, library & sports fee, and a maintenance allowance of up to INR 550 for day scholars & up to INR 1200 for hostellers.
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for OBC/SEBCActual tuition fee/course fee, admission fee, library & sports fee, and a maintenance allowance of up to INR 350 for day scholars & up to INR 750 for hostellers.
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for EBCActual tuition fee/course fee, admission fee, library & sports fee, and a maintenance allowance of up to INR 350 for day scholars & up to INR 750 for hostellers.
Pre Matric Scholarship for Students with Disabilities
The rate of scholarship payable for 10 months in an academic year is INR 350 and 600 per month for day scholars and hostellers respectively. The scholarship also includes a monthly reader allowance for blind students, a monthly transport allowance in case the student is not a hosteller, a monthly escort allowance for the severely disabled (80% or higher), and a monthly coaching allowance to mentally retarded and ill students.
Post-Matric Scholarship for Students with DisabilitiesThe scholars selected through this scheme receive a maintenance allowance, additional allowance depending on the disability of the student, and reimbursement of compulsory non-refundable fees.
Prof. Ghanshyam Dash Scholarship for Higher EducationThe selected scholars receive a waiver of 90% of the academic fee and other expenses for the entire duration of a 4-year course up to an amount of INR 1 Lakh per annum.
Scholarship to Meritorious Students under Central Sector Scheme
The rate of the scholarship for students at the graduation level is INR 10,000 per annum for the 1 st three years of college and university courses. The rate of the scholarship for students at the postgraduate level is INR 20,000 per annum. Students pursuing a professional degree/ integrated courses are eligible to receive INR 20,000 per annum in the 4th and 5th years.
Vidyadhan Scholarship Program (Odisha) (1 st and 2 nd year)The selected scholars will receive a scholarship of up to INR 6,000 per annum.
Vyasakabi Fakir Mohan Senapati ScholarshipThe selected scholars will receive a scholarship worth INR 20,000 as a one-time payment.
Financial Assistance to Sportspersons
The selected scholars will receive the following financial assistance: Sportspersons under BPL Category– 100% fee waiver and an additional amount of INR 10,000 for diploma and long-term courses and INR 5,000 for 6-week certificate courses to meet traveling and other miscellaneous expenses. Sportspersons under Non-BPL Category- 75% fee waiver and an additional amount of INR 5,000 for diploma and long-term courses and INR 2,500 for 6-week certificate courses to meet traveling and other miscellaneous expenses.

Full List of Eligible Classes/Courses Under Odisha Scholarship

The full lists of eligible classes/courses are as follows:-

  • Class XI
  • Class XII
  • UG Degree
  • PG Degree
  • Professional Course
  • Technical Course

ALSO, READ- e Medhabruti Scholarship

Scholarship Eligible Boards

The full lists of eligible boards are given below:-

  • BSE
  • CBSE
  • ICSE

ALSO, READ-Kalia Scholarship Yojana 

Odisha State Scholarship Portal: Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for Odisha State Scholarship Portal are discussed in the table below:-

Scholarship Name
Junior Merit Scholarship (Medhabruti)

Category– For AllThe student must have qualified for his/her Higher Secondary Education. The annual family income of the student from all sources shall not exceed INR 6 Lakh per annum. The student shall apply for the medhabruti only in the year of joining (1st year of the course). The student must have scored at least 60% or more marks in their HSC examination. The institution of the student should be recognized by BSE, Odisha/ CBSE/ ICSE/ equivalent boards and pursue regular +2 courses of 10+2 pattern.Scholarship Name Senior Merit Scholarship (Medhabruti)
For AllApplicants must be pursuing a graduate degree with courses having a duration of 3 years from any recognized institution/ university. The annual family income of the Applicants from all sources shall not exceed INR 6 Lakh per annum. The Applicant shall apply for the medhabruti only in the year of joining (1st

  • year of the course).
  • The Applicant must have passed +2 of CHSE, Odisha/ class 12th or equivalent exam from an institution recognized by CBSE/ ICSE.
  • The Applicants must have scored at least 60% marks in their 12th standard.

Scholarship Name

Post Graduate Merit Scholarship (Medhabruti)

For All

  • The annual family income of the student from all sources shall not exceed INR 6 Lakh per annum.
  • The student shall apply for the medhabruti only in the year of joining (1 st year of the course).
  • The student should be pursuing a postgraduate degree from any recognized institution/ university.
  • The students must have scored at least 60% marks in their graduate degree.

Scholarship Name– Technical and Professional Merit (Medhabruti)

For All

  • The annual family income of the student from all sources shall not exceed INR 6 Lakh per annum.
  • The student shall apply for the medhabruti only in the year of joining (1st year of the course).
  • The student must be pursuing either any regular technical degree or any professional undergraduate degree and integrated course duly recognized by government regulatory bodies like AICTE, MCI, DCI, etc.
  • The student must have scored at least 60% marks in the last qualifying examinations.


Scholarship Name– PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for SC

Scheduled Caste

  • The applicant must be a permanent resident of Odisha.
  • The applicants’ annual family income must not exceed INR 2.5 Lakh.
  • The applicant must continue his/her post-matriculation studies in any courses mentioned under Group I, II, III & IV.
  • The applicant must be studying in a government or government-recognized private institution.

Scholarship NamePRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for ST

Scheduled Tribe

  • The annual family income of the applicant must not be more than INR 1 Lakh.
  • The applicant must have secured at least 50% marks in the previous exam.
  • The applicant must be a permanent resident of Odisha.
  • The applicant must continue his/her post-matriculation studies in any courses mentioned under Group I, II, III & IV.
  • The applicant must be studying in a government or private institution.

Scholarship NamePRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for OBC/SEBC

Other Backward Class/ Socially and Economically Backward Class

  • The applicant must be a permanent resident of Odisha.
  • The annual family income of the applicant must not be more than INR 1 Lakh.
  • The applicant must have secured at least 50% marks in the previous exam.
  • The applicant must continue his/her post-matriculation studies in any courses mentioned under Group I, II, III & IV.
  • The applicant must be studying in a government or private institution.

Scholarship Name– PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for EBC

Economically Backward Class

  • The annual family income of the applicant from all sources must not exceed INR 1 Lakh.
  • The applicant must be continuing his/her higher studies from a government institution only.
  • The applicant must be pursuing any of the courses mentioned under Group I, II, III & IV.
  • This scholarship scheme is only applicable to the EBC of the General category.

Scholarship NamePre Matric Scholarship for Students with Disabilities

For All

  • The applicant should be a resident of Odisha state.
  • The annual family income of the applicant should be less than INR 2.4 Lakh.
  • The applicant should have at least 40% disability.
  • The applicant should be at least 5 years old.
  • The applicant should not be the recipient of any other pension from the union government or the state government or any other organization aided by either government.
  • The applicant should be studying at the pre-matric level.

Scholarship NamePost-Matric Scholarship for Students with Disabilities

For All

  • The annual family income of the applicant should be less than INR 2.4 Lakh.
  • The applicant should have at least 40% disability.
  • The applicant should be a resident of Odisha state.
  • The applicant should be at least 5 years old.
  • The applicant should not be the recipient of any other pension from the union government or the state government or any other organization aided by either government.
  • The applicant should be studying at the post-matric level.

Scholarship NameProf. Ghanshyam Dash Scholarship for Higher Education

For All

  • The applicant should be a resident of Odisha state.
  • The annual family income of the applicant should be less than INR 2 Lakh.
  • The applicant should be pursuing studies in engineering, medicine or liberal arts.
  • The applicant should not have availed or been offered any other financial help at the time of application or if they’re selected.
  • Note: Preference shall be given to applicants from SC/ST community and those who are physically disadvantaged.

Scholarship NameScholarship to Meritorious Students under the Central Sector Scheme

For All

  • The applicant must have qualified for the annual Higher Secondary Examination conducted by the CHSE, Odisha as a regular student.
  • The applicant must pursue higher studies in any college/institution/university as a regular student. T
  • The annual family income of the student from all sources shall not exceed INR 6 Lakh.

Scholarship NameVidyadhan Scholarship Program (Odisha) (1st and 2nd year)

For All

  • The annual family income of the applicant should be less than INR 2 Lakh.
  • The applicant must have qualified for his/her 10th grade/ BSE examination.
  • The applicants must have scored at least 80% in their 10th grade/ BSE examination.

Scholarship NameVyasakabi Fakir Mohan Senapati Scholarship

For All

  • The applicant must be a resident of Odisha state.
  • The applicant must have qualified for either his/her Higher Secondary Examination or his/her graduation degree examinations in B.A. (Arts) in Odia as Hons. /Major.
  • The applicants must have scored at least 90% in Odia paper in their Higher Secondary Examination. The applicants must have scored at least 80% in their degree examination.

Scholarship NameFinancial Assistance to Sportspersons

For All

  • The applicant should be a resident of Odisha state.
  • The applicant must have represented the districts of Odisha, Odisha state, and its universities in sports and games.
  • The applicant should be eligible for academic courses as laid down by the Sports Authority of India and Netaji Subhas National Institute of Sports.

Odisha State Scholarship Portal: Important documents

Important documents under Odisha State Scholarship Portal are discussed below:-

  • Recent passport-size photograph
  • Aadhaar card.
  • Caste certificate.
  • Income certificate
  • A copy of the domicile certificate
  • Resident proof
  • Mark sheets and certificate of last qualifying exam
  • College ID Card
  • Course or College Fee Receipt
  • Bank Account Details
  • Working Email ID Address
  • Active Mobile Number

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Odisha State Scholarship Portal: Application Process

  • To apply, first, visit the Odisha State Scholarship Portal website.
  • You have to select the application option on the homepage of the portal.
Odisha State Scholarship Portal Scholarship Official website
Odisha State Scholarship Portal Official website
  • Then select the scholarship scheme you want to apply for and click on the Registration button.
  • Login to the portal with Aadhaar number/ mobile number/ and password.
  • If you are not registered then you should register yourself.
  • Read the instructions carefully
agree option
agree option
  • Then click on the Agree option.
  • After clicking on Proceed you need to fill in some details viz
    • Name
    • Date of birth
    • Gender
    • Mobile number
    • Email id
    • Password
fill all detail
  • Select the registration option and the user dashboard will appear.
  • Now click on the scholarship of your choice.
  • Fill out the application form by uploading all the documents.
  • Take a printout of the application form for future use.

ALSO, READ- Junior Merit Scholarship

Procedure to Check Application Status

check your status

  • The login page will open
  • Enter the application id and click on the get OTP option.
  • Now after that, the status will open on the screen.

View IFSC Code

  • Click the link to enter the Odisha State Scholarship Portal official website.
  • Your screen will show the homepage.
  • Select the View IFSC Code option.
  • Your screen will go to a new page.
View IFSC Code
View IFSC Code
  • IFSC code can be seen at the Odisha State Scholarship Portal.
  • Choose a bank, then a district.
  • Click the search option now.
  • A screen with the IFSC code will appear.

ALSO, READ-Pathani Samanta Scholarship

Check Scholarship Eligibility

  • Click the link to enter the Odisha State Scholarship Portal official website.
  • Your screen will show the homepage.
  • Select the Check “Eligibility option”.
  • On your screen, a new page will appear.
Check Scholarship Eligibility
Check Scholarship Eligibility
  • At the Odisha State Scholarship Portal, verify your eligibility.
  • Choose the course, stream, category, religion, and gender.
  • Fill in the final marks and the family’s yearly income.
  • The scholarship programmes for which you are qualified to apply will show up on the screen.

Odisha Freeship Card Apply

  • To enter the Odisha State Scholarship Portal official website, click the given link.
  • Your screen will show the homepage.
  • Select Freeship Card from the menu.
  • Your screen will go to a new page.
Odisha Freeship Card Apply
  • After carefully reading the provided instructions, select the option to “proceed to apply for a freeship card.”
  • On the screen, a fresh login page will appear.
  • Apply for a freeship in Odisha
  • Enter your password and unique ID/Aadhar number to log in.
  • Now select the login link.
  • The freeship card application form will now be shown.
  • Enter all the details required to complete the application form.
  • Click the “submit” button now.
View Institute List
  • To enter the Odisha State Scholarship Portal official website, click the given link.
  • Your screen will show the homepage.
  • Click on the option called Institute List
  • A new page will open on your screen.
View Institute List
View Institute List
  • A district-wise list of colleges will open on the screen.
  • Or You can directly search the college of your choice from the search box.

Check Beneficiary List

  • Open the Official Website of the scholarship.
  • The homepage of the website will open.
  • Select the Sanctioned Scholarship list option.
  • A new page will open.
  • Select the desired district for a scholarship.
  • Now choose your block to check.
  • An institute-wise list will open.
  • You can now check your name on the list.

Student Login

  • To enter the scholarship’s official website, click the given link.
  • The portal’s home page will appear.
  • Click the Student Login button now.
  • The login page will open.
  • Aadhar number and password must be entered.
  • Click the Login button now.

Institute Login

  • To enter the Odisha State Scholarship Portal official website, click the given link.
  • The portal’s home page will appear.
  • Click the Institute Login button now.
  • The login page will open.
Institute Login
Institute Login
  • SAMS / AISHE / UDISE Code and Password must be entered.
  • Click the Login button now.

Officer/ District Login

  • To enter the Odisha State Scholarship Portal official website, click the given link.
  • The portal’s home page will appear.
  • Go to the login tab and click the Officer/ District Login option.
  • The login page will open.
Officer/ District Login
Officer/ District Login
  • In the application form, enter the username and password.
  • Now select the sign-in option.
  • You will successfully log in.

Submit Feedback

  • To enter the Odisha State Scholarship Portal official website, click the given link.
  • The portal’s home page will appear.
  • Select “Feedback” from the menu.
  • Your screen will go to a new page.
  • Please provide your complete name, email address, and feedback.
  • Now select Submit from the menu and submit the form.

Video Tutorial             

Points to Remember

Before applying for any scholarship program, the applicant must keep this person in mind.

  • Do not wait for the last date to apply for the scholarship program.
  • Check eligibility before applying for any scholarship to avoid any mishappening.
  • Affix your recently clicked photograph to the application form.
  • Enter the details in the application form according to your educational certificates.
  • Avoid using mobile phones for Online submission of scholarships.
  • Keep all your documents ready before applying for the scholarship.
  • Prefer using a laptop or a desktop for application form submission.
  • Check all the details carefully before the final submission of the application form.
  • You must have a valid and active mobile number that will remain active in the upcoming days.
  • You must have a valid and active email ID.

Contact Details of Odisha Scholarship Portal

  • Helpline (Toll-Free)
    • 155335, 1800-345-6770

Important Links

Official WebsiteClick Here
Telegram ChannelJoin Now
HomepageClick Here